Meet Mohammed Hossain, a resilient soul with a story of hope and transformation. Born on January 1, 1956, in Myanmar, Mohammed's life took an unexpected turn when the Myanmar Army...
Rohingya refugees came into Bangladesh with empty handed and bare footed. Still there are many refugees who have not got the due privilege of shelter houses. So, constructing shelter houses...
SDI has been working since its inception with the aim of building a hunger and poverty free Bangladesh. Following this, SDI has started a new "Skill Development Training Center" at...
SDI has been working for the oppressed Rohingya community since the crisis started in 2017 by providing them shelter, cloths, education, food support, medical assistance and other emergency relief programs...
The number of Covid-19 affected people and death toll have increased in recent days in Bangladesh. As part of the COVID-19 response, Self Development Initiative (SDI) conducted hygiene kits distribution...