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Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Baseline Study of the State of Water Resources in the...

Bangladesh, being an agricultural country, is highly dependent on groundwater irrigation given the fact that the existence of this resource was seen as abundant till recent years. As the surface...

Success Story and Stakeholder Opinion

Reaching Out of School Children Project - Phase II Implemented by: Self Development Initiative (SDI) Specialized Technical Agency : Save the Children in Bangladesh Pre-training status: Tumpa is the youngest of...

Digital Content Development

Educational technology and pedagogy are constantly changing. SDI stays on top of what’s best for the clients, learners, and partners. One thing never changes: the need for high-quality content. SDI...

Hygiene Kits Distribution in Naogaon

The number of Covid-19 affected people and death toll have increased in recent days in Bangladesh. As part of the COVID-19 response, Self Development Initiative (SDI) conducted hygiene kits distribution...